Upcoming Dates
Bethel Campus

273 Pleasant Street, Bethel VT 05032

MS Tel. 802-234-9966

ES Tel. 802-234-6607

Royalton Campus

223 South Windsor St, Royalton VT 05068

Tel. 802-763-7740

FX. 802-763-3233

Declaration of Inclusion

The White River Unified District welcomes all persons, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, income, or disability, and wants everyone to feel safe and welcome in our schools. Follow the link to read our full statement.

Adopted by the WRUD board at 3/21/23 meeting.

White River Unified District budget & bond update

The White River Unified District 2025-26 school budget passed. The Bond vote was defeated by 20 votes. Thank you to all who came out Monday night to share a community dinner and to participate in the discussion. The Board will provide an update on the bond next steps in the coming weeks. The Board welcomes and encourages all to join their regularly scheduled meetings on the third Tuesday of each month. The next meeting is Tuesday, March 18th at 7pm at the Bethel campus.