Lori had lived her whole life in Vermont until she met her husband to be in 1982. Her husband David was in the Air Force stationed in Arizona. They had 2 kids while stationed there. Lori worked on a huge cattle ranch(10,000) head of cattle. I raised the babies in my own barn.My barn held 256 babies and in winter time it was full. My first baby calf died and I cried like a baby. I handled vaccines for the whole dairy. I had a huge walk-in refrigerator in my barn which held the medicine and I had to keep track of what came and went for medicine. It also held soda and juices for the feed truck drivers on the dairy. Wonderful people I worked with and for. Lived in Arizona for 9 years. The base we were on closed so we got orders to GrandForks, North Dakota for 8 years.In that time her husband had been to Iraq, Turkey and Saudi when the war broke out. He also traveled the world while we were stationed there. Lori worked at a golf course and then became a head cook at the military child care center for 5 years. Dave retired, we moved to Georgia for a year. We loved it, but we decided we needed to be near family and decided to move back to Vermont. Dave went to Orange County Sheriff's Department, got a job and was a Deputy sheriff for 20 years. Lori worked for Susan Bradford in Bradford Vermont making sheepskin hats, mittens and coats full time, worked part time cleaning houses and worked part time at the Comfort Inn in Berlin for 3 years. Then business went way down so she got laid off at Susan’s. Bought a house in Tunbridge Vermont. Applied for a job at SouthRoyalton school as a sub. Got called a few days later to work full time. Daughter Rachel graduated from Oxbow, had a baby girl and started taking college classes for nursing.Rachel is now a school nurse in Woodstock High School.Son Joshua graduated from South Royalton High School. He went into the Air Force and now is stationed in Maryland and he is soon to retire in 2 ½ years. Dave and Lori’s Oldest Granddaughter Audrey is a Sophomore in Providence Rhode Island College. She wants to be a Radiologist. Ryan is a Freshman in Woodstock, Claira is pre-k in Woodstock Elementary school. Aisha is 5 and goes to school in Maryland and Jayden is 10 months old. We also have a granddaughter that lives in Arizona with her Mom. Trinity is 13. Lori and Dave spend as much time as possible with our kids and Grandkids. We enjoy visiting family when given the chance, gardening( vegetables that is.) Watching movies, playing card games,reading, camping and just relaxing. September 9th will be 20 years for Lori working here in SouthRoyalton Elementary - White River Valley High School. It has been a wonderful ride all these years traveling and ending up working here in Royalton. I have met so many wonderful kids and parents. Watched my first Kindergarten class graduate. That was exciting. Lori hopes to watch many more. It is wonderful working and belonging here to the Royalton Community. Tunbridge is also a Wonderful Community and the Tunbridge Fair is Exciting. Watching all the kids and Families having a great time. We walk to the fair grounds because we live close by. It is Amazing how many people we have met and grown up with here over the years. Lori can be reached at leggum@wrvsu.org.