Melissa Purdy: Health
Headshot of a woman in a red top and a half smile.

Melissa started working at the Bethel Elementary and Middle school in 2015. She teaches Preschool through 5th grade outdoor education (known as ECO). She also teaches 6th-8th grade Health at the middle school. Melissa has two children. She loves to be outside all year long. In the winter, she snowboards and in the warmer weather, she paddle boards and mountain bikes. She is also an author and artist. Melissa  grew up in Pennsylvania and now lives in the Mad River Valley. You can reach Melissa at

Steven Fulginitti: Band
Malia Timmerman: Art
headshot of a woman with grey/blonde hair.

 Since 2015, Malia has taught on the Bethel campus, where she is the K-8 visual art educator. She loves inspiring and being inspired by students of all ages. She was born in Hawaii and lived in Connecticut, Massachusetts, and California before settling in central Vermont in 2005. She enjoys making and fixing things, taking photos, and traveling, especially to Zambia in southern Africa. Malia is also the parent of an awesome teenager who was born in Randolph and is usually willing to try out random art projects, go for long walks, and attempt cross-country skiing. You can reach Malia at

Bonna Wieler: Outdoor Education
Photo of a half-smiling woman hiking outdoors.

Bonna Wieler offers learners/explorers of all ages connection with the natural world, while aiming to help folks gain self-assuredness and skills. She teaches Outdoor Education at the Bethel Middle School, and develops programming for middle through high school. As an American Canoe Association kayak instructor, Bonna teaches paddling, outfits and guides trips,  and runs summer camp sessions. She also develops environmental/ outdoor education programming for grades pre-K through high school, is a river curriculum teacher and consultant, networker/ organizer/ coordinator of environmental activities, cross country ski instructor for special events, program specialist for after school programs, and teaches fiber arts and other nature-based art forms. You can reach Bonna at

Amber Finch: Choral Director, WRUD
Amber singing

Amber Leavitt is excited to be teaching for a second year at the WRUD schools.  She is the 4th-12th Grade Chorus teacher at Bethel and South Royalton, WRVMS general music teacher, saxophone lesson instructor, and the WRVHS musical vocal director.

Amber has an extensive background in vocal performance, conducting, and choral singing. She has a Bachelor's degree in Music Therapy and Master's degree in Mental Health Counseling. Amber also has experience working with children and teens as a mental health counselor in community mental health agencies and private practice.

Amber lives in South Royalton with her 2 children and pet bunny Lulu. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, running, baking, crocheting, playing piano and of course, singing.

Amber can be reached

students with love boxes
Christina Owen: MS Shop / STEAM