Will Brooks: Tech Ed
A black and white photo of a man walking with the Brooklyn bridge in the background.

Will has been teaching woodworking and mechanics at South Royalton since 2006. Prior to that time he had a cabinetmaking and furniture building business in Ludlow Vermont. He currently farms beef cattle and hay in West Hartford. His father’s family is from Brooksville, Vermont and his mother’s family is from Brooklyn, NY. He is a proud graduate of Stuyvesant High School in NYC and of the University of Vermont. He has no training in woodworking or teaching but his father taught him you can learn anything from a book. He still misses teaching the seventh graders. He can be reached at wbrooks@wrvsu.org.

Steve Fulginiti: Band
Amber Finch: Choral Director, WRUD
Amber singing

Amber Finch is excited to be teaching for a second year at the WRUD schools.  She is the 4th-12th Grade Chorus teacher at Bethel and South Royalton, WRVMS general music teacher, band lesson instructor, and the WRVHS musical vocal director. Amber has an extensive background in vocal performance, conducting, and choral singing. She has a Bachelor's degree in Music Therapy and Master's degree in Mental Health Counseling. Amber also has experience working with children and teens as a mental health counselor in community mental health agencies and private practice. Amber lives in South Royalton with her 2 children and pet bunny Lulu. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, running, baking, crocheting, embroidery, playing piano and of course, singing. Amber can be reached at afinch@wrvsu.org

Noel Woolf: PE
teacher hiking

Noel grew up in South Royalton and graduated in 2010 and then went onto study physical education at The University of Vermont. In high school she played softball and basketball, and still plays in many different adult leagues. Noel taught middle and high school PE the past 6 years at Randolph, where she also coached middle school softball and basketball. In her free time she likes to spend time with her 2 dogs, Teddy and Maggie, and go hiking and kayaking.

Felicia Allard: Art
family posing after rock climbing

Felicia grew up in the neighboring town of Randolph in a family of educators. Her love of people and art drew her to attend the University of Vermont for Art Education.  She has taught art at the middle and high school levels, digital media in a career and technical center and has been a school administrator in two of Vermont’s CTE centers. Felicia, with her husband Tim, are raising 2 boys: Mason and Jacob. Together they enjoy spending time camping, running their family Christmas Tree Farm and attending NASCAR races. Felicia loves teaching and impacting students’ lives positively. She feels blessed to get back into the classroom and be a part of this vibrant school community. You can reach Felicia at fallard@wrvsu.org.

Stacey Rupp: Library

Stacey Rupp has been an educator since 2008, starting out as a paraprofessional, then spending most of her career as a fifth and sixth grade teacher before shifting into the Library world in 2018.  She thrives on igniting curiosity, and loves collaborative STEM projects. A nerd of many things, Stacey enjoys powerlifting, gardening, and running wildly immersive tabletop games for friends and students. She lives in Barre with her husband and their cat (Goose), and dog (Riley).