Stacey Rupp: Librarian, Royalton
teacher with purple hair

Stacey Rupp has been an educator since 2008, starting out as a paraprofessional, then spending most of her career as a fifth and sixth grade teacher before shifting into the Library world in 2018.  She thrives on igniting curiosity, and loves collaborative STEM projects. A nerd of many things, Stacey enjoys powerlifting, gardening, and running wildly immersive tabletop games for friends and students. She lives in Barre with her husband and their cat (Goose), and dog (Riley).

The Libraries of White River Valley School

The primary purpose of our libraries is to encourage, promote, and support literacy skills across the curriculum and through leisure reading

Primary grades Kindergarten through fifth grade meet once a week for lessons and book check out. Each class reads a short book or passage followed by an activity related to literacy and library skills. Students also learn how libraries are organized and how to find books, research skills, technology skills, and digital literacy skills.

To learn more visit the Royalton library webpage at :

And the Bethel library webpage at :

Cassandra Bertolini: Librarian, Bethel
Lady with blonde hair over looking the city

Cassandra is joining the White River Valley School this year as the Library Media Specialist at Bethel Elementary. She is a lifelong reader, and enjoys nothing more than talking about books with readers of all ages. Cassandra is new to the Upper Valley and originally from Green Bay, Wisconsin. She enjoys hiking, traveling, all things books, and looks forward to exploring all that Vermont has to offer.