Flexible Pathways are avenues for learning and demonstrating skills and knowledge necessary not only to graduating from high school but also to becoming a well-rounded citizen able to engage fully in the world. Through Flexible Pathways, White River Valley High School provides opportunities outside, or in conjunction with, traditional courses. Flexible Pathways combine personalized learning, proficiency-based learning, and traditional coursework to foster the development of a successful WRVHS graduate
Flexible Pathways include the following avenues:
Career and Technical Education
Dual Enrollment & Early College
If you are interested in Independent Study, Virtual Study, or Expanded Learning, contact the Flexible Pathways Coordinator, Ben Boyington (bboyington@wrvsu.org)
To access Community-Based Learning opportunities, contact the Community-Based Learning Coordinator, Geoff Clayton (gclayton@wrvsu.org).
For Career & Technical Education or Dual Enrollment & Early College, contact the school counselor, Christopher Cate (ccate@wrvsu.org).
Student planning, growth, and reflection on learning will be driven by, and recorded in, their Wildcats Portfolio (personalized learning plan).
Flexible Pathways are mandated by the Vermont Agency of Education through Act 77 (2013), which also requires the implementation of personalized learning and proficiency-based education in schools across the state. This implementation also includes a personalized learning plan for every student–a tool for planning, exploring education and related ideas, and reflecting on learning and goals.
If you would like more information about Flexible Pathways programming at White River Valley High School, please contact the coordinator, Ben Boyington (bboyington@wrvsu.org).